This sounds pretty cool:::
The secure lockers are located in Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe and the Tomorrowland Light and Power Company, and will be available for use free of charge. To use the charger, guests will swipe a credit card, which acts as an ID for the locker. The chamber door opens, and inside are a number of charger cables. The phone gets hooked up, and the door closed. On completed charging, the door glows green. To open the chamber, the same credit is used again.
My hope is they ad these in multiple locations in all the parks. Even if they charge a small fee say $2.00 it would be well worth it.
OK now for the old fashioned way of charging:
Magic Kingdom
Storybook Circus now becomes the third Magic Kingdom location to offer chargers. Also the Rapunzel restroom area . .Also City Hall
This is actually the recommended charging location by Disney. There are no plugs inside for you to use, but there is a device check-in service. You will be given a portion of the ticket that you must use to reclaim your device. Then with a cord you provide Disney will store and charge your device for you. You are allowed to leave your device as long as you feel necessary. Just outside the bathrooms to the right of City Hall, when facing the front, you can also find 4 outlets paired on either side of the building.
In a men’s restroom there is typically anywhere from 1 to 3 outlets, one of which can often be found underneath a baby changing table.
Locker Rental at the Park Entrance
There are a half dozen outlets inside to plug in to.
Walt Disney World Railroad Main Street U.S.A. Station
Here you can find plugs all over waiting to be used. There are several plugs on the outdoor patio up the station stairs. This is already a favorite spot to stop and relax, so now you can use it to recharge too. In the Station’s lower level there are some plugs along various walls and corridors. Some of these are clearly in the way, and others are not.
Harmony Barber Shop
There are two outlets inside that you can use to charge, however they’re in the corner and you will need to keep an eye on your own phone while inside. .
Curtain Call Collectibles
This is the new shop immediately on the right as you enter Magic Kingdom. There are sockets inside.
Tony’s Town Square Restaurant
There are 2 outlets just under the picture of Lady and the Tramp in the waiting area. Otherwise there are 6 outlets in the actual restaurant. None of them are in the outside seat area. The wait staff knows where they are, and you can request to wait for one of the five tables capable of using the plugs.
Main Street U.S.A. Shops
Strangely the Emporium itself has no plugs that are in plain sight that a guest could use. Every other shop on Main Street has plugs that are visible and easily reachable.
First Aid & Baby Care Center
Both of these have plugs available for use, however for both locations you need to have a valid reason for being inside. In First Aid if you’re in the waiting area there are a few plugs along both walls. There are also plugs available in the back rooms if you go into a checkup room. Baby care is well equipped in order to support certain nursing devices and other baby care items.
The Plaza Restaurant
Not a great choice. There are only two tables in the restaurant with plugs, and those tables are on either side of the door as you enter.
The Crystal Palace
While there are a few plugs scattered around this restaurant, it’s not one where you’ll be able to request a table with a plug – so don’t rely on it for that. In the alcove where the bathroom entrances are you’ll find a little waiting area with a nice looking comfy chair. Next to this chair is a socket pair that you can use for charging.
Magic Kingdom Rose Garden
This popular and out of the way location has some nice benches down by the water to rest and relax. There is a very convenient and well placed socket here that while inside a fenced area is also easily reachable and very convenient for charging.
Benches Near La Fontaine de Cendrillon
This location is found to the left of the fountain when facing it, and now is the home of the Shield location for the Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom attraction. The benches on both sides have plugs conveniently placed.
Tomorrowland Terrace
All the plugs for charging are located on the lower eating level closest to the water. They can be found along the walls, near the rails, and on most of the support columns.
Tomorrowland Restrooms
There’s only one outlet pair here, located on the rightmost side of the building near the planter.
Space Mountain
Just to the right of the FASTPASS entry, along the blue wall there is an outlet pair.
Tomorrowland Arcade
Without a doubt, this is the holy mecca of charging inside of the Magic Kingdom. . As soon as you step into the store, look down and to your left, by the front doors, there’s 4 outlets right there that people use to charge.
Several of the columns in the arcade area itself have plugs that are free and clear. You can find 4 more outlets off to the right of the basketball toss, on the wall near a window. The very back of the store and the back left corner are usually completely empty. There are several 4 outlet groupings along the walls that can be used and are out of the way.
Tomorrowland DVC Booth
There’s an outlet pair right underneath one of the displays, .
Tomorrowland Shops
There are a few plugs to be found in these shops, however they are mostly found near checkout counters and are not the best choices because of possible congestion. I have seen people using the socket located in Auntie Gravity’s and the ones just inside the doors at Merchant of Venus.
Cosmic Ray’s Starlight Cafe
Two pairs of them are located inside the restroom hallway. There are a few more to be found in the rightmost indoor eating area. Finally there are two more that are located on either side of the main dining room with Sonny Eclipse.
Cheshire Cafe
The plug here is actually on the left hand side of the building near the phones and restrooms.
Fantasy Faire
Also know as “that shop at the end of PhilharMagic”. There is an outlet pair tucked inside of here.
Pinocchio Village Haus
There are a few outlets strewn about here, all of which are convenient to at least one table. The upper balcony.has a few tables, and one pair of outlets.
Columbia Harbour House
In here you will find almost as many outlets as at the Tomorrowland Arcade. They are all over the restaurant – at least one in almost every grouping of tables. Most people who are looking for a secluded spot will head upstairs to the room that sits over the walkway between Fantasyland and Liberty Square. Any place with this much food and this many sockets is sure to attract anyone in need of a charge.
The Yankee Trader
On a wall in the corner near a small window you’ll find a lone pair of sockets.
Liberty Tree Tavern
There are 6 outlet pairs , roughly one per table grouping.
Frontierland Shootin’ Arcade
In the actual arcade, there’s one socket pair next to the leftmost rifle. There are also a few more sets where the Fox location for Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom is located (to the left of the arcade).
Frontierland Shops
There are some sockets to be found in these stores, and I have seen people using them in the past. However, I don’t consider any of them to be truly convenient.
Pecos Bill Tall Tale Inn and Cafe
Though nowhere near as many as Columbia Harbour House, there are plenty of plugs in here. Their placement is sometimes not convenient, or in a highly trafficked area that isn’t near a table. The absolute best location is the room at the furthest corner of the restaurant just near the side entrance.
Splash Mountain
Not the ride itself, but there’s one socket pair in this area I see getting a lot of use. Near the bathrooms, and right next to one of the newer character meet and greet locations there are some telephones. If you look down you’ll see the sockets.
Walt Disney World Railroad Frontierland Station
There are two pairs of outlets to be found here, one inside and one outside.
Tortuga Tavern
There are some bar stools found at the furthest point from the order counter in this restaurant. Here this is a socket pair.The area is secluded, has chairs, and a counter. The other spot in here where plugs can be found is the room where the toppings bar is located when the restaurant is opened. This room is also the Shuriken location for Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom.
Pirates of the Caribbean
The shop at the end of this attraction has a few plugs that aren’t in the most convenient spot. However, if you head from the shop, through the hallway where the restrooms are located and outside, on the side of the building you will find a socket pair.
There are plugs to be found in a few locations around Adventureland. Some of them are interesting to look at, because while not convenient, they are painted to look like brick walls on which they can be found, grout and all. Once again Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom comes through at the Fire location – there is a very convenient plug just to the right of the location. There are also a few plugs to be found by the restrooms.
Aloha Isle
After you’ve grabbed your Dole Whip you can head to the left of the counter to find a gazebo-like seating area. Inside there are a two pairs of plugs that you can use.
There is one in the living seas near the women's restroom.
Upstairs area of The Electric Umbrella.
Several outlets in Innoventions, but none near seating.
There are outdoor outlets in Norway and Morocco.
Outside seating at the Cantina by Mexico, there is an outlet on one of the posts on the left side. Great view!
Near the outside table for ABC Commissary,
Near the restrooms in the alley or breezeway ( I don't know what to call the area) near Toy Story Mania.
also near the restrooms under the LMA bleacher\seats stands
By a PP - one of the outside tables in front of the ABC Commissary. You can sit at the table and charge. It's the second table at the end closest to the big hat.
The inside seating area at the Backlot Express. The table closest to a non-working sink, there is an outlet above the sink. You can sit at the table.
A bench not too far from the Finding Nemo theater, there is an outlet in the foliage.
In the seating area at Pizzafari, there are two outlets in one of the rooms, near tables.
There is an outlet along the wall on the outside of the Disney Outfitters store (the right side).